At the AGM there was a lot of interest and passion around security in the community. We heard you and are working on an upcoming event that will focus on sharing ideas for rural crime watch and security. Watch for more details to come!
As mentioned at the AGM, Cochrane Foothills Protective Association ('CFPA') is offering free memberships for the 2023 Year which includes new Memberships and Renewed Membership. If you are interested in joining, please visit their website at and sign up.
Additionally, the Alberta RCMP has been working on a message delivery system which all current Rural Crime Watch members may be included on. The purpose is to enhance communication and notify CFPA Members with mass notification emails requesting assistance to collectively assist and support the Alberta RCMP. The system is called RAVE and it will provide bulletins, regular updates, and current events, from the RCMP on topics of rural crime. To be listed and included on the RAVE fan out communication system, CFPA requires your permission to be added, as this is a database that is outside of the CFPA operations and will be managed by the Alberta RCMP and RAVE. For any community member interested in being included please send Your Name, Email and Phone number (preferably a cell number) to